For Parents
Prevention & Intervention

Trans ideology pushes the idea that biological sex is just a suggestion. This leaves impressionable children confused and vulnerable to making decisions that will alter their bodies for the rest of their lives.
Has your child come home from school asking to be called they/them? Are you concerned about your child’s social media profile? Maybe it reads something like “demi sexual, they/them, or a-gender”
You sense something is off with your child’s behavior but aren’t sure how to say something or whether or not to ask, because you don’t want to make it “a thing.” Or maybe you’re seeing everything that’s going on in schools and in the media and want to be able to talk to your children about it preventatively but don’t know where to start.
You don’t want to make things worse by drawing attention to something that might be a “phase” but you know how quickly this can get out of control, especially in liberal states. You fear your child going even deeper into the trans abyss if you refuse to call them by their new name or use wrong-sex pronouns.Â
The school counselor has told you affirming your child’s trans identity is the best solution, that “social transition” isn’t harmful, that you should just go with it and see what happens. All the research you’ve done online says this is the only way to prevent your child from committing suicide.Â
You want your kid to feel comfortable and happy in their body but at the same time, you know a lifetime of drugs and surgeries can’t be the only path forward. We’re not just talking it ending with new pronouns and a new name. We’re talking about the permanent dismembering of your child’s intact and perfect body. We’re talking about organ damage and a lifetime of side effects from wrong-sex hormones.Â
These are tricky waters to navigate– but I want to empower you with the information you need, before it’s too late.
Let's talk →Self-paced classes with essential information for you to keep your children out of the trans cult.

Inoculating Our Children Against Transgender Ideology
with Mary Lou Singleton & Isabella Malbin
Everyone’s child will encounter transgender ideology. It’s not a matter of if but when.

Safeguarding in the Age of Gender Disinformation, Dissociation, & External Validation Seeking
Recover Your Instincts & Cultivate Resilience with Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology
Everyone you turn to for guidance is telling you the opposite of what your intuition is telling you.Â