Master Class Library

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Master Class Library

Gain instant access to master class recordings and learn at your own pace.

Safeguarding in the Age of Gender Disinformation, Dissociation, & External Validation Seeking

with Amy Sousa, MA Depth Psychology

Recover Your Instincts & Cultivate Resilience

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Content & Confidence

with Whose Body Is It Founder, Isabella Malbin

Learn how to make waves without going broke or getting naked online.

Discover what's holding you back →

The Medical and Legal Ethics of IVF, Surrogacy, and Other Commonly Used Assisted Reproductive Technology 

with Jennifer Lahl, MA, BSN, RN

The woman-centered master class series you won't find elsewhere. 

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The Great Reset of Motherhood: Gender Identity, Transhumanist Tech & the Theft of Birth 

with LGBT Non-Profit Whistleblower, K. Yang 

Connect past to present to understand how historical erasure, exclusion, and exploitation of women and female reproductive control has structured the entire development of industrialized civilization and is the driving factor behind the push for "trans rights" and transhumanist technology.

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Unpacking Common Myths & Misconceptions About Indigenous Two-Spirit & Third Genders

with LGBT Non-profit Whistleblower, K. Yang

In this master class you’ll FINALLY get the answers to your lingering questions and learn how to approach conversations about Two-Spirit and Third Genders with friends, family and even total strangers on the internet.
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Inoculating Our Children Against Transgender Ideology

with Mary Lou Singleton & Isabella Malbin

Everyone’s child will encounter transgender ideology. It’s not a matter of if but when.

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Getting Real About Porn:

Examining the Industry of Anti-Woman Propaganda

with Women's Activist Samantha Berg

It's time we take a hard look at what's really going on in porn, the industry at large and the ways it's crept into our minds and bodies.

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